GEU Bargaining Updates

Find out what's going on in bargaining between your GEU colleagues and the Michigan State University administration. Here you can find out 1) when the next bargaining session is, 2) what we're actively bargaining for, and 3) ways you can get involved.

We want you to have access to bargaining needs and updates at your leisure and without accosting your email inbox more than necessary. Follow us to get updates sent to your inbox. You, as a member, are welcome to come to a bargaining session at any time or to become more involved. Email geu at msu dot edu with questions, or visit us at!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

GEU Bargaining Platform - Stand Up for THIS!

As we return to our regularly scheduled teaching appointments, saying goodbye to the time to relax, get some hardcore research done, or catch up on grading, and hello to students filled with spring-induced twitterpation (Bambi, not the app), the GEU wants to remind you that we value your commitment to your students' education.

The general bargaining platform for the 2015 contract is "Stand Up For T.H.I.S. - Tuition, Healthcare, Inclusivity, Salary."

As we move into Right-to-Work (for less), the Graduate Employee Union
will work for an overall improvement of the quality of life of its graduate

We are emphasizing the mental, physical, and emotional well-being

of graduate employees.

 We will fight for improved access to workplace and scholarly

resources, healthful activities, and transportation.

Teaching assistants deserve affordable and accessible health care for

themselves and their families.

Campus health resources are currently under-supported, especially
mental health services. Additionally, coverage for families is
prohibitively expensive. The student contribution to cover a spouse is
4,521 dollars. The cost to cover a spouse and all children approaches
the minimum stipend for graduate students. These are problems we
seek to fix.
Teaching assistants at MSU often live on tenuous financial footing.

GEU is fighting for a full tuition waiver.

We are pushing the University to not settle for being in the middle of

the pack, but instead offering increased stipends that put MSU at the

top of Big 10 schools for TA compensation.

To function at its best, GEU wants to ensure better access to information
about our membership, and is requesting a consistently formatted CBU
list from the university on a regular basis. This will also help ensure that all
our contract is being enforced everywhere on campus, and that all GEU
members are protected and empowered in the workplace.
GEU believes in its members, and as we form our new
contract, we pledge to stand up for THIS.

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