GEU Bargaining Updates

Find out what's going on in bargaining between your GEU colleagues and the Michigan State University administration. Here you can find out 1) when the next bargaining session is, 2) what we're actively bargaining for, and 3) ways you can get involved.

We want you to have access to bargaining needs and updates at your leisure and without accosting your email inbox more than necessary. Follow us to get updates sent to your inbox. You, as a member, are welcome to come to a bargaining session at any time or to become more involved. Email geu at msu dot edu with questions, or visit us at!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Grade In Tomorrow!!!

This is just a reminder to those of you who follow the blog that you'll have another chance to do your work in a public space and show the community how valuable you are THIS THURSDAY, tomorrow, from 10-5 in the Main Library! There will be snacks, free t-shirts, free buttons, and camaraderie!

Come out for an hour, grab a coffee and pick up your swag for the upcoming rallies and events! Remember, this isn't just a fight for a few, this is your contract, and you need to get involved if you want a fair contract! Starting May 15th, the end of our current contract, all of the perks the union gets for you, including parking south of the river, extended check out of books at the library, healthcare, and your salaries are in jeopardy.

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