GEU Bargaining Updates

Find out what's going on in bargaining between your GEU colleagues and the Michigan State University administration. Here you can find out 1) when the next bargaining session is, 2) what we're actively bargaining for, and 3) ways you can get involved.

We want you to have access to bargaining needs and updates at your leisure and without accosting your email inbox more than necessary. Follow us to get updates sent to your inbox. You, as a member, are welcome to come to a bargaining session at any time or to become more involved. Email geu at msu dot edu with questions, or visit us at!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stewards share their stories

During the stewards council meeting tonight, the bargaining team presented updates 'from the trenches' about the platforms and memorandums of understanding being presented by both MSU and the GEU. If you've been following, you'll note that we've shared some highlights in previous posts. As we share these updates, we are asking stewards and active members to share stories about how these changes would impact them. You. 

One thing the bargaining committee is asking you to do is to talk to your graduate director about 1) how much time they would like in order to effectively assign teaching assistantships, and 2) how the changes MSU is proposing would impact their departments.

It's clear that the over 40 stewards in attendance at the stewards council tonight are not happy. And many have already talked to their colleagues who are also not happy.

Let us know specifically how tuition changes might impact you, how healthcare impacts you. We can use these stories to provide examples for the bargaining team to use in negotiations. Email them to GEU at

Also, we need YOU to come out to our general membership meeting, hear the details of ALL the proposed platform changes. Bring your colleagues! The meeting is April 10th, at 5 p.m., in the Erickson

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